Matrix Software, cont’d
CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus Switchers • Matrix Software
Matrix IP Address fi eld
The Matrix IP Address fi eld contains the IP address of the connected matrix
switcher. This value is encoded in the fl ash memory in the switcher.
Valid IP addresses consist of four 1-, 2-, or 3-digit numeric subfi elds separated by
dots (periods). Each fi eld can be numbered from 000 through 255. Leading zeroes,
up to 3 digits total per fi eld, are optional. Values of 256 and above are invalid.
The default address is, but if this confl icts with other equipment at
your installation, you can change the IP address to any valid value.
The Matrix IP Address fi eld is grayed out and uneditable when DHCP is
Editing the Extron IP address while connected via the Ethernet port can
immediately disconnect the user from the matrix switcher. Extron recommends
editing this fi eld using the RS-232/RS-422 link and protecting the Ethernet
access to this screen by assigning an administrator’s password to qualifi ed and
knowledgeable personnel only.
Edit this fi eld as follows:
1. Click in the Matrix IP address fi eld. The graphic cursor becomes a text cursor.
2. Edit the address as desired.
3. Press the Tab key on the keyboard or click in another fi eld to exit the
Matrix IP Address fi eld.
4. Click on the Take button to make the address change take affect.
Extron Name/Descriptor fi eld
The Extron Name/Descriptor fi eld contains the name used as the “from”
information when the matrix switcher e-mails notifi cation of its failed or repaired
status. This descriptor can be changed to any valid name, up to 24 alphanumeric
The following characters are invalid in the Extron Name/Descriptor fi eld:
{space} + ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ ; : | \ and ?.
Edit this fi eld as follows:
1. Click in the Extron name/descriptor fi eld. The graphic cursor becomes a text
2. Edit the name as desired.
3. Press the Tab key on the keyboard or click in another fi eld to exit the Extron
Name/Descriptor fi eld.
4. Click on the Take button to make the name change take effect.