GE EPM9450Q Network Card User Manual

Display Indication Parameters
B, Phase B current and B-C line-to-line voltage
C, Phase C current and C-A line-to-line voltage
*, Average current line-to-line voltage
The parameters displayed by the FUNCTION button are listed in the following table.
When any of the import, export, or net parameters are displayed, the AMPS portion
of the display window is used to allow display of the complete value.
kW Real power for phase A, B, or C as set by PHASE button, or
total real power if PHASE is set to * or *,.
kVR Reactive power for phase A, B, or C as set by PHASE button, or
total reactive power if PHASE is set to * or *,.
kVA Apparent power for phase A, B, or C as set by PHASE button,
or total apparent power if PHASE is set to * or *,.
PFLG or PFLD Power factor, lagging or leading, for phase !A, B, or C as set by
PHASE button, or total power factor if PHASE is set to * or *,.
I4 RMS neutral current
Hz Frequency
VX RMS auxiliary voltage
kWH IM Import energy
kWH EX Export energy
kVARH IM Import reactive energy
kVARH EX Export reactive energy
kVAH NET Net reactive energy