
Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide 4 - 3
Software Operation Warnings
Do not let other Windows applications run concurrently with ScanView.
ScanView operation depends on communication and timing issues that can be
disrupted when ScanView shares Windows resources with other applications.
The resource sharing problem can include conflicts with Windows screensavers.
ScanView blocks screensaver operation.
This version of ScanView limits the number of processed bar codes to 30,700 per
session. To use ScanView for monitoring larger amounts of bar codes, divide the
job into multiple sessions, each less than 30,700 bar codes.
Title Bar – Screen Display
See "Bar Code Analysis Screen" on page 4-9. The area marked B is the title bar.
The application Title Bar is located at the top of the application window. It shows
the application’s name and the name of the data file that receives the analysis
results generated by the verifier. The title changes to identify the current display
The Title Bar also includes the standard Windows Minimize, Maximize and
Application Termination buttons.
Menu Bar – Screen Display
See "Bar Code Analysis Screen" on page 4-9. The area marked C is the Menu
Bar. The Menu Bar is located just below the Title Bar. It lists five menu
categories: File, Setup, Advanced, Support and About.
File Menu
This menu controls data file handling functions, printing and application
termination. The format is typical of any Windows type file menu. The files
contain the raw data collected from the SV unit. ScanView can re-open these
files to re-display the data at a later time.
Note: The Print function prints the current ScanView display on the printer.
Setup Menu
This menu is used to configure the ScanView analysis displays and program the
most common SV scanning and communication parameters.
Select Graphs
This item allows the user to select which bar code analysis parameter graphs are
displayed on the Bar Code Analysis Screen (see "Bar Code Analysis Screen" on
page 4-9.)