
6 - 4 Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide
Incrementing Examples
Decrementing Examples
Allows data match command ~BC to detect a Code 128 Function 1 character.
This allows a check to make sure function 1 characters (F1) are correctly placed
in applications involving GS1-128 symbols. # = 0 or 1.
If ~BU0 is set - the ~BC command acts "normal" per the ~BC command
bb Number of characters in array.
A value of 00 clears (dis-
ables) this array.
...!!! Mask characters for defining positions in the data field not
being checked.
...+++ Characters in the data field being checked. If + characters
are used, this marks the field and defines its size. Maximum
field lengths are 8 characters for numeric and 6 characters
for alphanumeric. If a proper numeric or alphanumeric value
is placed in the field, this additionally become the initial value
expected on the first data scanned after a power-up or reset.
~BI010!!!!!!!+++ Increment is to be done in the last three charac-
ters of the 10 character array.
Increment is to be done in the last three characters
of the 10 character array. Initial value scanned
must be 234.
Increment is to be done in location 6 through 8
characters of the 10 character array.
Decrement is to be done in the last three
characters of the 10 character array.
Decrement is to be done in the last three
characters of the 10 character array. The initial
value scanned must be C34 (base 36
alphanumeric field).
Decrement is to be done in location 6 through 8
characters of the 10 character array.
~BI000 or ~BD000
Disable the Increment/Decrement array. The
remainder of the array data is not required.