Chapter 3 Page 43
5. Tap Delete.
6. Tap Yes.
7. Tap Done.
8. Check the User folder in the Palm folder on your computer. If you
find a PRC file for the application you just removed, delete the PRC
file from the User folder.
Removing Palm Desktop software
If you no longer want to use Palm Desktop software, you can remove
it from your computer.
To remove Palm Desktop software:
1. Insert the Palm Desktop software CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the Palm Desktop CD icon on the desktop.
3. Double-click the Installer icon.
4. Click Continue on the splash screen and on the Palm Computing
Readme file screen.
5. Click Agree on the End User Software License Agreement screen.
6. In the Palm Desktop Installer window, select Uninstall from the
pop-up menu in the upper-left corner.
The Palm Desktop Installer shows the items you can uninstall.
7. Select all the items on the uninstall list by clicking the check box to
the left of each selection.
8. Click Uninstall.
9. When prompted to select the files where your Palm files are
installed, click the Palm folder.