HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1.2 Computer Accessories User Manual

Appendix A • Working with Rational ClearQuest
Migrating Links from the Mercury Quality Center
Defects Synchronizer for Rational ClearQuest
If you created links for the Mercury Quality Center Defects Synchronizer for
Rational ClearQuest (the ClearQuest Synchronizer), used with
Quality Center 9.0 and earlier, you can migrate them to Quality Center
Synchronizer using the ClearQuest Synchronizer Migration Tool.
The ClearQuest Synchronizer Migration Tool creates a compressed (.zip) file,
which you can import into Quality Center Synchronizer in the same way as
you import exported link data. For more information on importing link
data, see “Importing Link Data” on page 106.
The resulting .zip file contains two XML files:
An XML file containing configuration data for the link, such as field
mapping data and link execution scheduling data.
An XML file containing identity mapping data. This data is obtained by
scanning the identity mapping data stored for the old link, stored in the
Quality Center and ClearQuest databases. This scan may take some time.
This section includes the following topics:
“Migration Notes and Limitations” on page 118
“Migrating Links” on page 120