110 Chapter 5: Service and Support
Hewlett-Packard France
42 Quai du Point du Jour
F-92659 Boulogne Cedex
Phone: (33) (146) 10-1700
Fax: (33) (146) 10-1705
Hewlett-Packard GmbH
Herrenberger Strasse 130
71034 Böblingen
Phone: (49) (180) 532-6222
(49) (180) 525-8143
Fax: (49) (180) 531-6122
Hewlett-Packard Hellas
62, Kifissias Avenue
GR-15125 Maroussi
Phone: (30) (1) 689-6411
Fax: (30) (1) 689-6508
Hewlett-Packard Magyarország Kft.
Erzsébet királyné útja 1/c.
H-1146 Budapest
Phone: (36) (1) 343-0550
Fax: (36) (1) 122-3692
Hardware Repair Center:
Phone: (36) (1) 343-0312
Customer Information Center:
Phone: (36) (1) 343-0310
Hewlett-Packard India Ltd.
Paharpur Business Centre
21 Nehru Place
New Delhi 110 019
Phone: (91) (11) 647-2311
Fax: (91) (11) 646-1117
Hardware Repair Center and Extended
Warranty Support:
Phone: (91) (11) 642-5073
(91) (11) 682-6042
Hewlett-Packard Italiana SpA
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 9
Cernusco Sul Naviglio
I-20063 (Milano)
Phone: (39) (2) 921-21
Fax: (39) (2) 921-04473
Hewlett-Packard Japan, Ltd.
3-29-21 Takaido-higashi
Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168
Phone: (81) (3) 3335-8333
Fax: (81) (3) 3335-8338
Hardware Repair Center:
Phone: (81) (4) 7355-6660
Fax: (81) (4) 7352-1848
Hewlett-Packard Korea
25-12, SHP House
Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-ku
Seoul 150-010
Phone: (82) (2) 769-0114
Fax: (82) (2) 784-7084
Hardware Repair Center:
Phone: (82) (2) 3270-0700
(82) (2) 707-2174
(82) (2) 3270-0710
Extended Warranty Support:
Phone: (82) (2) 3770-0365
(82) (2) 769-0500
Latin American Headquarters:
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive
Suite 950
Miami, FL 33126
Phone: (1) (305) 267-4220
México, D.F.:
Hewlett-Packard de México, S.A. de
Prolongación Reforma No. 700
Lomas de Santa Fe
01210 México, D.F.
Phone: (52) (5) 326-4600
Fax: (52) (5) 326-4274
México Guadalajara:
Hewlett-Packard de México, S.A. de C.V.
Monte Morelos No.299
Fracc. Loma Bonita
45060 Guadalajara, Jal.
Phone: (52) (3) 669-9302
Fax: (52) (3) 669-9560
México Monterrey:
Hewlett-Packard de México, S.A. de
Batallón de San Patricio 111
Piso 23-Torre Comercial América
Colonia del Valle
66269 Garza Garcia, Nuevo León
Phone: (52) (8) 368-5100
Fax: (52) (8) 356-7498
Middle East/Africa:
ISB HP Response Center
Hewlett-Packard S.A.
Rue de Veyrot 39
P.O. Box 364
CH-1217 Meyrin - Geneva
Phone: (41) (22) 780-4111
Hewlett-Packard Nederland BV
Startbaan 16
NL-1187 XR Amstelveen
Postbox 667
NL-1180 AR Amstelveen
Phone: (31) (20) 547-6911
Fax: (31) (20) 547-7755
New Zealand:
Hewlett-Packard (NZ) Limited
Ports of Auckland Building
Princes Wharf, Quay Street
P.O. Box 3860
Phone: (64) (9) 356-6640
Fax: (64) (9) 356-6620
Hardware Repair Center and
Extended Warranty Support:
Phone: (64) (9) 0800-733547
Customer Information Center:
Phone: (64) (9) 0800-651651
Worldwide Sales and Service Offices (Continued)