NOTE: HP WDB cannot be attached to a process that is traced by tools which use
ttrace, such as Caliper, adb, and tusc. The debugger displays the following error message
on attempting to attach to such a process:
Attaching to process <pid> failed.
Hint: Check if this process is already being traced by another gdb or
other trace tools like caliper and tusc.
Hint: Check whether program is on an NFS-mounted file-system.
If so, you will need to mount the file system with the "nointr" option
with mount(1) or make a local copy of the program to resolve this problem.
14.4 HP-UX targets
On HP-UX systems, GDB has been configured to support debugging of processes
running on the PA-RISC and Itanium architectures. This means that the only possible
targets are:
• An executable that has been compiled and linked to run on HP-UX. This includes
binaries that have been marked as SHMEM_MAGIC.
• A live HP-UX process, either started by WDB (with the run command) or started
outside of WDB and attached to (with the attach command).
• A core file generated by an HP-UX process that previously aborted execution.
GDB on HP-UX has not been configured to support remote debugging, or to support
programs running on other platforms.
WDB can only debug C++ programs compiled with HP aC++, the ANSI-compatible
C++ compiler.
14.5 Support for Alternate root
HP WDB supports alternate root functionality, which is helpful when you do not want
to use the system-installed HP WDB or its components.
The environment variable WDB_ROOT specifies the alternate root for HP WDB. You
must specify a structure similar to the default /opt/langtools used for HP WDB.
You can use the environment variable GDB_ROOT to specify an alternate root for GDB.
If you specify both WDB_ROOT and GDB_ROOT, the value for GDB_ROOT is ignored.
HP WDB supports these environment variables to override the location of different
component of HP WDB.
Defined Variable
WDB Location
GDB location
14.4 HP-UX targets 143