User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
Chapter 3
E1 Voice Configuration
Table VC-3-6 Configuration Commands of R2 Signaling
Operation Command
Enter R2 signaling configuration mode cas-custom ds0-group-number
Configure the number of the numbers collected before
the caller number or the caller identity required
caller-digits number
Recover the default value of the number of the
numbers collected
no caller-digits
Set the debounce time of the line signaling debounce-time number
Recover the default value of the debounce time of the
line signaling
no debounce-time
Specify a command by default default
Set the inversion mode of line signal invert-abcd A-bit B-bit C-bit D-bit
Recover the default value of the inversion mode of line
no invert-abcd
Set the code of KA signal ka number
Recover the default value of the code of KA signal no ka
Set the code of KD signal kd number
Recover the default value of the code of KD signal no kd
Set the latency of sending seizure acknowledgement
seizure-ack-time millseconds
Recover the default value of the latency of sending
seizure acknowledgement signal
no seizure-ack-time
Set E1 trunk routing mode select-mode [ max | maxpoll | min | minpoll ]
Set the time interval to wait for various signals timeouts { kb | kd | nextnum | ringing | sendasw }
Recover the default value of the time interval to wait for
various signals
no timeouts { kb | kd | nextnum | ringing | sendasw }
Set the direction of E1 trunk trunk-direction timeslots timeslot-list { in | out |
dual }
Recover the default value of the direction of E1 trunk no trunk-direction timeslots timeslot-list
Set the signal value of C and D signal bits unused-abcd A-bit B-bit C-bit D-bit
Recover the default value of the signal value of C and
D signal bits
no unused-abcd
By default,
(i.e., enable comfort-noise setting) command becomes
effective, and
(i.e., enable non-linear processing procedure) command
becomes effective.
The default value of the configuration command
(the number required to
be collected before the caller number) is 1, and that for
debounce-time of line signaling) is 40ms, and
d (the inversion mode of line
signaling) disabled, i.e., the value is 0 0 0 0. The default value of command
code of KA signal) is 1, and that for
(the code of KD signal) is 3, the
(the latency of sending seizure acknowledgement signal) 100ms. The default
value of the command
(E1 trunk routing mode) is min, and that of the
timeouts kb
(the time interval waiting for receiving KB signal) is 5000ms,
timeouts kd
(the time interval waiting for receiving KD signal) 5000ms. The default
value of the command
timeouts nextnum
(the time interval waiting for receiving next
MFC compelled digital signal) is 5000ms, and that for
timeouts ringing
(the time
waiting for the end of the ring) is 30000, and
timeouts sendasw
(the time interval
waiting for sending answer signal) 500. The default value of command
(the direction of E1 trunk) is dual, and that for
(set the signal value of
signal bit C and D) is 1111.