IBM 1483DSV Personal Computer User Manual

701344-003 3-5
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Press Reset to remain online with no loss of data, or press Enter to go offline.
With the display power off, press and hold down the space bar and simultaneously turn
on the display station.
After either step is performed, the Offline Test menu (Figure 3-2, below) is displayed.
Offline Test Menu
Figure 3-2. Offline Test Menu
Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to highlight User Menus on the Offline Test menu and
press the Enter key. The Offline Screen menu is displayed (Figure 3-3 on Page 3-7).
Offline Test Menu Selections
1) The User Menus selection displays offline menus for operator setup. Offline menus
include all Online functions as well as functions that can only be selected offline.
2) The System Manager Menus selection displays a menu for system setup by the
system manager. See Page 7-2 for detailed information.
Offline Test Menu
Select One of the Following
User Menus
System Manager Menus
Product ID 1483 (c) 1993
Go Online
User Defined Data