About this book
This book provides information necessary to configure and administer the software
for the IBM 5194 TotalStorage Network Attached Storage 200 (Models 201 and
Hereafter, this product is referred to as the NAS 200, unless otherwise noted.
Who should read this book
This book is for administrators of the NAS 200.
Note that although this product is relatively easy to install, configure, and
administer, the NAS 200 administrator should have experience in at least the
following skills, or have access to personnel with experience in the skills:
v Microsoft
v Networking and network management
v Disk management
v General technologies of the product (such as storage, RAID, and so on)
v Critical business issues (such as backup, disaster recovery, security)
Frequently used terms
The following terms, used within this document or within the Safety Information,
have these specific meanings:
Term Definition in this document
Attention These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or
data. An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or
situation in which damage could occur.
Caution These notices indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous
to you. A caution notice is placed just before descriptions of
potentially hazardous procedure steps or situations.
Danger These notices indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or
extremely hazardous to you. A danger notice is placed just before
descriptions of potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedure
steps or situations.
Notes These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.
The latest versions of the following product publications are available in softcopy at:
NAS 200 product library
The NAS 200 library consists of the following publications:
v Hardware Installation Guide GA27-4262
This book describes hardware physical specifications, electrical specifications,
cabling, environmental specifications, and networking specifications for installing
the NAS 200.
v User’s Reference GA27-4263
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 xi