IBM SC34-5764-01 Server User Manual

 REVERSE(string) 
returns string, swapped end for end.
Here are some examples:
REVERSE('ABc.') -> '.cBA'
 RIGHT(string,length
) 
returns a string of length length containing the rightmost length characters of string. The string returned is
padded with pad characters (or truncated) on the left as needed. The default pad character is a blank. The
length must be a positive whole number or zero.
Here are some examples:
RIGHT('abc d',8) -> ' abc d'
RIGHT('abc def',5) -> 'c def'
RIGHT('12',5,'0') -> '00012'
 SIGN(number) 
returns a number that indicates the sign of number. The number is first rounded according to standard
REXX rules, just as though the operation number+0 had been carried out. Returns -1 if number is less than
0; returns 0 if it is 0; and returns 1 if it is greater than 0.
Here are some examples:
SIGN('12.3') -> 1
SIGN(' -0.307') -> -1
SIGN(0.0) -> 0
) 
returns the line number of the final line in the program if you omit n, or returns the nth line in the program
if you specify n. If specified, n must be a positive whole number and must not exceed the number of the
final line in the program.
Here are some examples:
SOURCELINE(1) -> '/* This is a 10-line REXX program */'
 SPACE(string
n ,pad
) 
returns the blank-delimited words in string with n pad characters between each word. If you specify n,it
must be a positive whole number or zero. If it is 0, all blanks are removed. Leading and trailing blanks are
always removed. The default for n is 1, and the default pad character is a blank.
Chapter 14. Functions 191