Format the RFS Filepools
Ensure that all required configuration tasks have been performed, and if necessary re-start CICS. Sign on
with a userid defined as an authorized user in CICSTART.PROC. Enter REXX (which is the default
transaction id associated with the CICRXTRY exec). You should see the following line at the top of the
Enter a REXX command or EXIT to quit
and a READ in the lower right hand corner. The cursor is in the lower left hand corner. You have now
entered the supplied exec which allows the execution of REXX and REXX/CICS commands interactively.
Now prepare the filepools for use by entering a command for every filepool that is defined in CICSTART:
where poolname is substituted by the filepool name you specified in the CICSTART exec (the defaults are
POOL1 and POOL2).
Note: We recommend you to use either single or double apostrophes to delimit the REXX command.
The interactive environment echoes each command at the next available line on the screen and displays
any requested output.
The FILEPOOL FORMAT command does not display any information to indicate that it has successfully
completed, but the word READ appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
To determine whether the FILEPOOL FORMAT command worked successfully, enter SAY RC (without
apostrophes). If a 0 is displayed on the next available line, the FILEPOOL FORMAT command was
Attempting to re-format a filepool gives the message:
Subcommand return code = 1836
This is also the return code displayed by SAY RC.
Continue this process until all RFS filepools are formatted. You only format the filepool when a new filepool
is defined, or if you delete and redefine the clusters for an existing filepool.
If you fill the screen while formatting the filepools or interactively executing REXX or REXX/CICS
commands and instructions, a MORE indicator appears at the bottom right hand corner. To clear the
screen, press the ENTER key. You may press the CLEAR key any time you want to clear the screen of
data. Press the PF3 key to exit from the interactive environment, this simulates entering the EXIT
instruction. You may also enter the EXIT instruction yourself (without apostrophes).
The interactive environment also allows recalling previously entered commands, by pressing the
RETRIEVE key. The system has a default setting for this key of PF12. Pressing the RETRIEVE key
causes the previously entered line to be re-displayed at the input location. You may then modify this area
and execute the instruction again by pressing ENTER. Pressing the RETRIEVE key multiple times
continues to bring the next previously entered command to the input area.
Create the Help Files
To create the help files, rename some modules using the following as sample LIBR input. Choose an
appropriate sublibrary (for example PRD2.CONFIG) to contain the renamed members:
PI Configuration
Appendix K. Post-Installation Configuration 433