Table 15. EIA-232 commands in alphabetical order (continued)
Description Command Page
Print logo inline GS J d n1 n2 data or X'1D 4A d n1 n2 data' 146
Print page in page mode ESC FF or X'1B 0C' 181
Print PDF417 bar code GS P data NUL or X'1D;50;data;00' 153
Print PDF417 bar code using binary
GS U datalength data or X'1D;55;datalength;data;00' 154
Print predefined graphics (logo)
GS / m logo# or X'1D2F;m;logo#' 159
Print predefined messages GS ^ message# or X'1D5E;message#' 159
Print scanned image X'1B;30;n1;x;y;dx;dy;s1;s2;n2' 168
Proportional font ESC & s n m data or X'1B;26;s;n;m;data' 120
Real-time requests DLE ENQ m or X'1005n'
n Description
31 Release print buffer
32 Cancel print buffer
33 Undefined
34 EC request; send status
35 Undefined
36 Undefined
37 Undefined
38 Undefined
40 Reset printer
41 Enable unsolicited status
42 Disable unsolicited status
43 Disable transparent XON/XOFF
Re-initialize the printer ESC @ or X'1B40' 142
Request document length for
landscape print
GS N X'02' Null or X'1D;4E;02;00' 133
Reset line count ESC 6 or X'1B36' 176
Retrieve first unread image location GS N SOH SOH or X'1D 4E 01 01' 174
Retrieve next image location GS N SOH NULL or X'1D 4E 01 00' 174
Retrieve printer usage statistics X'1B 51 xx' 162
Retrieve scanned image X'1B;39;n1;n2;n3' 172
Retrieve size of user flash storage ESC 4 x ’03 FF FF FF’ or X'1B;34;03;FF;FF;FF' 162
Retrieve the flash storage ESC 4 n1 n2 X'1B34;n1;n2' 161
Return home (select print head
ESC < n or X'1B3C;n' 160
Scanner calibration GSc0orX'1D 63 30' 173
Select and print a graphics (logo)
ESC * d w h data or X'1B2A;d;w;h;data' 157
Select aspect ratio PDF417 bar
GS S r;c or X'1D;53;r;c' 155
Updated April 2, 2009
Appendix D. EIA-232 programming information 109