Emulating an Epson single-station printer (single-station only)
Emulation of an Epson single-station printer is supported on the single-station
SureMark printers. See Appendix G, “Emulation support for Epson single-station
printer,” on page 193.
Enabling Epson emulation
To enable emulation of an Epson single-station printer on a single-station SureMark
printer, you must set switch 3 on the main logic card. See Figure 17 for the location
of the switch.
Limitations for Epson emulation
The following limitations must be considered when using a single-station SureMark
printer to emulate an Epson single-station printer:
v Logos and downloadable characters are supported in emulation mode. However,
because the Epson printer prints at 180 dpi and the SureMark prints at 200 dpi,
the emulated printout will be smaller.
v Emulation of page mode is not supported on the SureMark.
v Epson supports the Select paper sensor to stop printing command. IBM does not
support a low paper sensor.
v In order to implement fixes, new functionality, and other improvements, new
releases of printer microcode are routinely published. It is advisable that you run
the most recent version of firmware on the printer; however, the 4610 firmware
can not be updated when running in Epson emulation mode. Therefore, you must
first switch the printer to native mode, to upgrade the microcode.
EIA-232 mode switches
Cash drawer connector
Figure 17. Switch for Epson emulation
Updated April 2, 2009
Chapter 3. SureMark installation, service, and utility software 43