Image location (n1) of 0 prints the most recently scanned image to the
thermal station.
The top-left corner of the scanned document is used as the point of
reference. All x, dx, y, and dy, values are based on 0.01 inch. The paper
movement path is the y axis, and the scan head dot row is the x axis.
In all cases, dx and dy define the area’s width to the right, and height down.
If dx and dy extend the printer area further than the boundaries of the
image, the value is truncated to the image boundary. If the size of the print
area is greater than the thermal print head can print (either from image size
or scaling), the image is truncated to the width of the print head. The only
scaling options are 100% (no scaling) and 200% (double). Tag data
included with the image is not printed.
If the image is stored in JPEG format, then graphics printing is not
Store scanned image and/or select partial image for retrieval
EIA-232 syntax:
n1 Select storage method, one byte
v X'00' store entire image
v X'01' store image using template 1
v X'02' store image using template 2
v X'03' store image using user defined values
v X'11' Compress a section and keep in RAM using user defined
values (x0, y0, dx0, dy0)
x0, y0 2 bytes each, top-left corner of area to be stored
dx0, dy0
2 bytes each, offset in the x and y direction respectively, to be
x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3
2 bytes each, corresponding offset in the x and y direction to define
size of subblock to store
ASCII string terminated by null character, maximum 100 characters
Figure 51. Scanned image layout
Updated April 2, 2009
Appendix D. EIA-232 programming information 169