
In InfoCenter 32 and InfoCenter Lite you can scan documents, images, and anything you want to
scan. InfoCenter 32 and InfoCenter Lite will display your completed scans as thumbnails on its
desktop. You can use the toolbar at the top of the desktop to do several different things to your
image. Below are just a few of the InfoCenter 32 and InfoCenter Lite features.
Save Text will start the OCR to convert the image into editable text and save it as a file you
can open with your word-processor.
Save Image will allow you to save the image in one of many graphics formats.
Print will send your image to the printer.
Send Fax will transfer your image to a fax program on your computer ready to be faxed out.
Send Mail will allow you to transfer your image to the email program on your computer in
one of three ways: OCR into a text file and the text written into the email, OCR and then
attached to the email as an RTF, and as an attached Bitmap.
In InfoCenter 32 and InfoCenter Lite, you can also drag and drop a thumbnail on any of the icons in
the Application Bar. Your image will then be transferred to the application represented by the icon.
If it is a word-processing application, the image will first be converted with OCR. If it is an imaging
application, your image will be transferred as a graphics file.
InfoCenter 32 and InfoCenter Lite will automatically put several icons on the Application Bar associ-
ated with applications installed on your computer. The Application Bar is divided into three types of
applications: Image, Text, and Advanced. Applications on your computer that are associated with
image file formats (such as the PictureFun applications, Microsoft Photo Editor, Adobe Photoshop,
or any other graphics application) will be available on the Image Applications section of the Applica-
tion Bar. Applications that are associated with text formats (such as NotePad, Microsoft Word,
WordPerfect, or any other word-processing application) will be shown on the Text Applications
section. You can also add applications of your own with Application Bar Setup.
For more information on how to use the features of InfoCenter 32, you will find the user’s
guide for InfoCenter 32 on the CD. IC32.PDF is the manual for InfoCenter 32.
For more information on how to use the features of InfoCenter Lite, you will find the user’s
guide for InfoCenter Lite on the CD. ICLite.PDF is the manual for InfoCenter Lite.
PictureFun! (Windows 95, 98, or NT)
PictureFun! is a Windows 95/98 or NT suite of imaging applications. Each applica-
tion in the suite has special abilities. You can scan an image and edit it in lots of
strange and fascinating ways or just adjust it to maximize the color and other effects.