Configuring and Managing the Switch
IP Commands (
set-gatew sets the default gateway
get-arp-tbl displays the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table
del-arp-entry deletes one or all entries from the ARP table
add-arp-entry adds an entry to the ARP table
get-bootp displays the state of the BOOTP process
set-bootp enables or disables the BOOTP process
ping contacts another IP device
ping-stop stops the ping process
get-def-ttl displays the running default TTL (time to live) value
set-def-ttl modifies the running default TTL value
SNMP Commands
get-comm shows the current read or write community
set-comm changes the read or write community
get-auth shows the trap authentication mode
set-auth sets the trap authentication mode
get-traps shows the destination stations in the trap list
add-trap adds a destination station to the trap list
del-trap deletes a destination station from the trap list
Switching Database Commands
get-lt-entry displays a switching database entry
get-lt-16 displays 16 switching database entries starting at a given item number
find-lt-addr searches for an address in the switching database
del-lt-entry removes a switching database entry
del-lt-addr removes the switching database entry for a given address
add-lt-entry adds a switching database entry
add-cf-entry adds a custom filter entry
del-cf-entry deletes a custom filter entry
get-nv-cftbl displays the saved custom filters table
get-nv-cfilt displays the saved custom filters for a given MAC address
get-lt-age displays the switching database aging period
set-lt-age sets the switching database aging period