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With the EXPRESSBUILDER CD you can:
■ Create diskettes (third party software drivers).
■ Do Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 Hard Disk Preload
What is on the CD that you may need to use
Third Party Software Drivers, Server Documentation, Others:
■ \DRIVERS All drivers of the TM700 machine.
■ \DOCS All the Express5800 TM700 documentation which is shipped with each
■ \Apps\Adobe\Acrobat5.0 Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0
■ \Apps\DirectX9.0a DirectX 9.0b
Windows 2000/XP or Windows Server 2003 Hard Disk Preload Recovery:
Should the system crash, and the operating system or pre-installed applications are lost
or damaged, the initial configuration can be reinstalled by simply reloading it from the
recovery CD. This added security protects the customer’s investment, and helps to
lessen total cost of ownership by reducing downtime.
Do as follows :
1. Place the EXPRESSBUILDER CD in the CD drive and boot the server.
2. Select the Windows operating system you wish to install.
3. Select the partition type (FAT32 or NTFS) and the size.
4. Insert the Windows CD when requested.
5. The installation starts automatically.
Software End-User License Agreement
Carefully read the following terms and conditions before installing the software in this
package. Opening this package indicates your understanding and acceptance of all of
the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, you may promptly
return the package and any associated documentation (collectively herein referred to as
SOFTWARE) to your local NEC Computers International representative.
IMPORTANT: This software is a proprietary product and is protected by copyright
laws. It is licensed (not sold) for use on a single machine (as defined in the installation
instructions), and is licensed only on the condition that you agree to the terms of this