SECTION 1Introduction
1-2 6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference
" Section 6 — Ericsson M2100 Series Wireless Mo-
Explains how to configure the Support Panel that
monitors the M2100 Series Wireless Modem.
" Section 7 — Infrared Communications Support
Describes how to configure the Support Monitor that
searches for infrared devices on a continual basis.
" Section 8 — CMOS Setup Options
Contains set up pages that include integrated periph-
erals, caches, passwords, power-on modes, etc.
" Section 9 — CDPD Radio
Looks at two applications provided by Sierra Wireless
Inc.: “Watcher” and “Sierra Wireless Expert.”
" Section 10 — Minimal Windows 95 Load
Provides a “minimal” operating system configuration
for users who want to reduce storage size.
An Open System Environment
The 6620 Operating System is Windows 95. One of the ma-
jor benefits of this open-system approach is that you can
acquire development equipment and software from many
different vendors, including Norand Mobile Systems Divi-
sion of Intermec Technologies Corporation. This provides
you with wide latitude in selecting the equipment and soft-
ware tools that are best suited to your particular develop-
ment needs. The challenge lies in finding pieces that work
well together, especially when you are working in the areas
of communications and interfaces. If you have Windows
programming experience, you will quickly feel comfortable
with the PEN*KEY 6620 platform.