SECTION 2Toolkit for the 6620 Computer
2-6 6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference
CMOS Editor, V1.01. Displays or modifies CMOS val-
CMOS {address[=value] | address-address}
CMOS.EXE can read the value at an address or range
of addresses. It can also write a value at a single ad-
dress. The CMOS checksum is updated automatically
if any values are written.
File Integrity Verification Utility
CRC32 [@][filename | pathname] [/s]
" filename is the filename on which the CRC is
calculated. One or more files or directories can
be processed at one time.
" pathname is the location of the file to be pro-
cessed. Wildcard processing is not allowed (in
the pathname specified after the “@” symbol, nor
any of the pathnames within the argument file).
" /s indicates all subdirectories should be
searched for matching file names.
" @ is (optionally) included in front of the filename
to indicate it is an argument file, which contains
names of files to be checked by CRC32.EXE.
Refer to the Toolkit RELNOTES.TXT file for the CRC
values for each module used on the 6620 Computer.