SECTION 36620 Recovery Procedures
3-28 6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference
These are the various program options in the
PARTUTIL.EXE file and how and why to use them. You
can view the source code by typing “partutil /?” from
the DOS prompt. The general syntax for command line pa-
rameters is partutil.exe drive /arg1 /arg2 /arg3
NOTE: All command processing is done from left to right.
Drive: (as seen by INT13 services) 80, 81, etc. (Defaults
to 80 or C:\ )
EXAMPLE: Partutil 81 /I D:\ = 81 thus use “81” not “D:\”
/Q Silent mode (no prompts or additional text)
/X Create the main data partition
/J Delete the main data partition
/U Create the extended partition
/O Delete the extended partition
/T [!] [sectors] Create recovery partition, optional # sectors
/Y Delete the recovery partition
/C <size> Create the suspend-to-disk partition
(size is in megabytes, see example).
EXAMPLE: Partutil /C 35 creates 35 MB suspend to disk partition.
NOTE: If you have a 48 MB RAM 6620 Computer, use a 52 MB partition.
The general recovery process creates a 52 MB partition.
/G Delete the suspend-to-disk partition
/Z Get INT13 drive information for specified device
/I Display partition information
/E Manually edit the partition information
/R Reboot system