SECTION 2 Toolkit for the 6620 Computer
6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference 2-17
Loading Ram Radio Support
If you select to load the “Ram Radio Support” component,
you will be able to set up the COM port and the base ad-
dress. The “Select Com Port” window appears after several
files are copied into the 6620 Computer.
Click the scroll-down button to select from COM3, COM4
(default), COM5, or COM6, to which port the Ram Radio is
to connect, then click the Continue button.
Several more files are installed before the “Select Base Ad-
dress” window appears:
Click the scroll-down button to select from 3E8h, 2E8h (de-
fault), 308h, or Other, to which base address the Ram Radio
is to connect, then click the Continue button to load the
next component or to finish the installation.