SECTION 36620 Recovery Procedures
3-10 6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference
Recovering from PC Card – Method 1
See “Preparing a 6620 Boot Card (Network Recovery)” on
page 3-18 for creating the Network Recovery PC Card.
1. Set the Boot Device of the 6620 Computer to scan
PCMCIA slots (see Section 8 for CMOS Setup).
2. Insert the Emergency Recovery PC Card into a PC
Card slot. If there are other bootable PC Cards (such
as hard drives) in the system, remove them.
3. Boot the 6620 Computer. Select option 2: “Recovery
Mode” from the two menu options.
4. Another menu appears with three options. Select op-
tion 1: “Re-image the main partition.”
5. On newer systems, double-click a “Recover” icon on
the desktop and go to step 7.
If your system does not have this icon, find the remote
share and mount it as drive Z.
6. If there is a prompt mentioning an existing drive,
press “Y” for yes, then press [Enter].. Proceed to step
4 on page 3-6 under the Actual Recovery of the Main
Data Partition section.
Once the system is finished and reboots, you can remove
the PC Card and boot off the newly imaged hard drive.
Recovering from PC Card – Method 2
To prepare this recovery PC Card, you need a working sys-
tem with CD support as well as support for PC Cards.
1. Copy the files in the 6620 Recovery CD root directory
and the “Image” and “Util” directories (and subdirecto-
ries) onto the root directory of the card. Ensure there
is approximately 200 MB on the card for these files.
NOTE: A “6620 Boot Card” contains just the Minimal Load of Windows 95
designed for systems without spinning media. This type of card con-
tains no recovery utilities. It is not possible to use a “6620 Boot
Card” in place of the above step.