Interphase Tech 5535 PRI Network Card User Manual

iSPAN PRI PCI ISDN Users Guide 133
2B+D See BRI.
23B+D See PRI.
30B+D See PRI.
802.2 IEEE Standards that govern the LLC within the Data Link
layer of the OSI model. LLC frames carry user information between
the nodes on a network and define the transmission of a frame between
two stations. These standards are common across the various lower
level standards within the Data Link and the Physical layers.
802.3 IEEE Standards that govern the use of the CSMA/CD (Carrier
Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection) network access method
used by Ethernet networks.
802.5 IEEE Standards that govern the use of the token ring indicator
and frame priority.
Adapter A device, usually a user interface card, that physically con-
nects an end station to the network medium (for example, twisted pair,
coaxial, fiber).
AIS (Alarm Indication Signal) PRI alarm, also known as Keep
Alive or Blue signal. An unframed all-ones signal sent to maintain
transmission continuity.
AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) A method of digitally encoding data
as electrical signals on a link.
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) An organization
which coordinates, develops, and publishes standards used in the
United States.
AT&T 5ESS The name of a central office switch manufactured by
AT&T. These switches use Custom (proprietary) or National ISDN-1
(NI-1) software. ESS stands for Electronic Switching System.
Attenuation Signal power lost in a transmission medium as the sig-
nal travels from sender to receiver.
B8ZS (Bipolar with 8 Zeros Substitution) Α method of digitally
encoding data on a link. A modified form of AMI used in the USA.
bandwidth Capacity for transmitting data through a given circuit.
Generally, the greater the bandwidth, the more information can be sent
through a circuit during a given amount of time.