Interphase Tech 5535 PRI Network Card User Manual

North America T1/PRI Line
20 Interphase Corporation
To avoid harming the WAN, you must first contact your
carrier for approval before connecting the adapter to the
In accordance with FCC Rules, Part 68.218 (b), you must
notify the telephone company prior to disconnecting the
adapter from the line or turning off the power to the
adapter’s host system. Without this prior notification, the
carrier might temporarily discontinue your T1/PRI service.
Connecting to the line through an external
If the distance to your carrier is longer than 655 feet (200
meters), or if your carrier does not accept a direction DSX1
connection, and if your iSPAN-PRI adapter does not include
an internal Channel Service Unit (CSU), you need to connect
an external CSU between the adapter and the network.
Figure 3-3. Adapter connected to an external CSU