Interphase Tech 5535 PRI Network Card User Manual

146 Interphase Corporation
rate interface
basic ....................................... 125
primary ................................... 126
reference of common tasks ............ 115
Remote Access Admin dialog.... 44, 90
Remote Access Setup dialog.... 39, 118
removing the drivers ....................... 46
E1/PRI cabling
........................... 23
minimum system.......................... 4
T1 link ...................................... 22
verifying minimum................. 7, 27
RRAS utility .................................. 98
saving and editing SynWatch frames 88
saving LoopTest events................... 92
selecting CRC type (Europe only).... 58
setting Line Test modes................. 102
setting LoopTest sending frames...... 93
settings, ISDN channel.............. 87, 88
drivers....................................... 28
ISDN B channels........................ 38
ISDN port properties .................. 56
RAS Support ............................. 36
RAS Support properties ........ 36, 63
Remote Access .................. 39, 118
WAN adapters ..................... 34, 52
WAN firmware and hardware...... 51
software architecture overview........... 5
software drivers................................ 5
software, installing.......................... 27
solutions, problems and................... 72
specifications, adapter..................... 77
standards compliance........................ 3
status indicators, for lines.............. 110
Status LED .............................. 68, 69
storage environment........................ 78
switch type, configuring.................. 57
SynWatch utility............................. 79
accessing online help.................. 80
freezing the display .................... 86
main dialog................................ 81
saving and editing frames............ 88
starting ...................................... 80
stopping the display .................... 86
system requirements, minimum......... 4
T1/PRI line
link requirements........................ 22
tasks, quick reference .................... 115
E1 connection ............................ 23
T1 connection ............................ 18
testing your ISDN line..................... 90
text conventions............................. viii
troubleshooting................... 67, 68, 69
Uninstallation main dialog............... 48
commercial RAS utilities............. 97
Line Status............................... 109
Line Test Tool.......................... 101
LoopTest ................................... 89
RAS Support Setup..................... 63
SynWatch .................................. 79
WAN Adapter Setup................... 51
verifying minimum requirements. 7, 27
WAN Adapter Setup utility.............. 51
accessing online help .................. 51
main dialog................................ 53
WAN adapters driver installation...... 32
WAN Adapters Setup dialog............ 34
WAN firmware and hardware .......... 51
warning, electrical shock .................. 9
watch modes
.................................... 86
ISDN B channel ......................... 84
ISDN D channel ......................... 83
watching ISDN channels ................. 82