Unix Environment
July 1998 10-5
1. As root, create a local directory (i.e. Ò/tmp/kodakÓ) to load the
software and then go to that directory.
2. Load the software from the disk by putting the diskette into a drive and
tar -xvf /dev/<diskette drive device>
3. Type./install.sh to launch the install script.
4. Follow the Installation Options menus and prompts to establish an IP
address and conÞgure printer names and queues.
10.4 Manual NIC Installation for BSD Machines
1. Add an Ò<IP Addr> <Name>Ó line, (i.e. kodak) to the /etc/
hosts Þle.
2. Edit the /etc/printcap to create an entry for the printer.
A sample entry for a printer called ÒkodakÓ:
3. Create a spool directory.
4. Create a spool directory owned by the daemon, such as:
mkdir /usr/spool/kodak
chown daemon /usr/spool/kodak
10.4.1 Manual NIC Installation for System V Machines
Access to printers in System V systems is through the LP scheduler.
System V administration commands allow users to create a printer
description Þle called an interface Þle. This is the Þnal Þlter in the LP
spooler that sets up a print job and is designed to customize the data for a