Exposure-control tab
Save setting button
Load setting button
Reset button
Apply button
Apply-all button
Fit-to-window button
Simply click the exposure-control tab to display the selected image. If a prescan has
not been made, the scanner will make one automatically. If any changes are made to
exposure, the image-correction tab will turn red (Windows) or an asterisk will be
displayed on the tab (Macintosh). The last exposure setting used for each film format
is not reset when the utility is closed.
The RGB display will show the color values for any point in the image; simply place
the mouse pointer in the image area to see the values of that point. Pressing the shift
key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh) will display the CMY values.
The master slider and text box control the overall exposure. The R, G, and B sliders
and text boxes are used to compensate for any color shift. No gamma or contrast
changes can be made.
The exposure-control tab allows the scanner’s exposure system to be customized to
specific films, lighting, or a personal exposure index based on the film, processing,
lens, and shutter combination. This can also be used to compensate for badly
exposed film.
RGB display
Text box