On-Screen Display
Setting Up the OSD
Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual
Selecting YS palette output, by
setting the YSPLT bit of OSD1
(x’007F06’) to 1, disables the
PRYM bit. With this setting, you
must also set the TRPT and
TRPTF bits to 1. You can specify
transparency for individual color
palettes if needed.
The TRPTF bit allows you to make the color 15 translucent in all the palettes (CPTF,
GPT1F, and GPT2F). RGB and YS are output at low levels for that color, and YM is
output at the level specified for the palette. This dims the color on the display. See
figure 7-21.
♦ TRPTF (x’007F08’, bit 10)
0: Make color 15 on all palettes translucent
1: Output color 15 as specified
The PRYM bit allows you to make specific regions of the OSD display trans-
lucent. This bit is disabled when the YSPLT bit is 1.
♦ PRYM (x’007F08’, bit 12)
0: Output YS high on all OSD display areas
1: Output YS low on OSD display areas that do not have low YM output
YS palette output
The YSPLT bit allows you to control the YS output. See figure 7-22.
♦ YSPLT (x’007F06’, bit 3)
0: Output YS to entire display area (except transparent and
translucent areas)
1: Output the MSB (bit 15) of all the color palettes from YS
Analog/digital output
The YCNT and RGBC bits allow you to select 16-bit gradient, analog or digital
output through the four OSD output pins, R, G, B, and YM.
♦ YCNT (x’007F06’, bit 1)
0: Analog YM output
1: Digital YM output (outputs bit 12 of color palette)
♦ RGBC (x’007F06’, bit 0)
0: Analog R, G, B output
1: Digital R, G, B output (outputs bits 0 (R), 4 (G), and 8 (B) of color palette)
Table 7-9 summarizes the controls for RGM, YM, and YS output.