C Bus Controller
Functional Description
MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company
■ Register settings conversions to I
C protocol
The I
C bus controller converts the data in the I2CDTRM register to the I
Transfer modes changes
A write to the I2CDTRM register indicates the transfer mode (master transmitter/
receiver or slave transmitter/receiver) for a new transfer. To minimize software
control, the hardware generates an interrupt each time a transfer ends. During
interrupt servicing, the SCL line stays low, then clears to high on a write to
I2CDTRM. (When the microcontroller is a slave transmitter and the transfer
ends, SCL goes high on a read to the I2CDREC register after an ACK = 1
(negative acknowledge) interrupt.)
Multimaster support
The hardware performs bus arbitration for a multimaster system. When it loses
an arbitration, the hardware immediately stops the data transfer and generates an
Address decoding
The I
C bus controller decodes the microcontroller’s address, set in the
I2CMYAD register, when the microcontroller is a slave device. It also decodes
the general code address (0).
Forced bus reset
Through software control, by a write to the I2CBRST register, the I
C bus con-
troller can force the SCL line to reset to low when a bus error occurs. This resets
the entire I
C bus controller circuit, leaving the microcontroller in slave receiver
mode. It does not change the contents of the I2CMYAD and I2CCLK registers.
Clock frequency adjustment
The I2CCLK register sets the serial clock frequency, allowing synchronization
with low-speed devices. With a 12-MHz oscillator, the maximum setting is 100
kHz and the minimum setting is 10 kHz.
Bus state monitoring
With the I2CBSTS register, the I
C bus controller determines the logic levels of
the SCL and SDA lines.