MiTAC 8170 Laptop User Manual

Enter Condition:
Idle -Entered when CPU Idle Function is called
Standby -Entered when SetPowerState(Standby) Function is called
Suspend -Entered when SetPowerState(Suspend) is called, and user select STR in SCU
Save to Disk -Entered when SetPowerState(Suspend) is called, and user select STD in SCU
Resume Event
Idle -Resume when CPU Busy Function is called
Standby -Resume only when keyboard device have activities, when ring come in on internal
modem or PCMCIA card. The reason for not selecting track-pad as resume event is that,
it’s too sensitive sometimes
Suspend -Entered when SetPowerState(Suspend) is called, and user select STR in SCU
Save to Disk -Entered when SetPowerState(Suspend) is called, and user select STD in SCU
System States:
Full On -Full running state, the system is in optimized performance
Idle -Clock throttling state, CPU is running between C0 & C2 states
Standby -Same as S1/S2 above
Suspend -Same as S3 above (Including save-to-ram and power-on-suspend)
Save to Disk -Same as S4 above
Note: When Save to Disk partition is not made on disk, BIOS will choose Save to RAM instead of Save to Disk Definitions when APM engaged