Mitsubishi Electronics HC7900DW Projector User Manual

Setting up your projector
Setting up the screen
Install the screen perpendicularly to the projector. If the screen can not be installed in such a way, adjust the
projection angle of the projector. (See page 12.)
• Installthescreenandprojectorsothattheprojector’slensisplacedatthesameheightandhorizontalpositionof
the screen center.
• Donotinstallthescreenwhereitisexposedtodirectsunlightorlighting.Lightdirectlyreectingonthescreen
makes the projected images washed-out and hard to view.
You can keep the image display area within the screen by setting SCREEN SIZE in the ADVANCED MENU of IMAGE
menu according to the aspect ratio of the actual screen. Select 16:9 when the aspect ratio of the screen is 16:9 or
4:3, and select CINEMA SCOPE (2.35:1) when the aspect ratio is 2.35:1 (CinemaScope).
When setting SCREEN SIZE to CINEMA SCOPE (2.35:1):
• CinemaScopesizemoviesareprojectedinthefullscreen.
• SetASPECTintheFEATUREmenuto16:9whendisplayingVista-sizeimages.Inthiscase,theyaresqueezed
• WhenASPECTintheFEATUREmenuissettoAUTOand480i/p,576i/p,720p,or1080i/psignalisinput,thepart
for displaying subtitles is not projected. To display subtitles, reset SCREEN SIZE to 16:9 and adjust the image
position using VERTICAL LOCATION in the ADVANCED MENU of the IMAGE menu. (To display the menu on the
screen, adjust SHUTTER(U) in the SIGNAL - USER menu to position the menu.)
Screen size and projection distance
Refer to the following tables to determine the screen size and projection distance.
• Theguresinthetablesareapproximateandmaybeslightlydifferentfromtheactualmeasurements.
• Thelensshiftheightshowsdistancesfromthefactorydefaultposition.
Screen width (SW)
Down side
Up side
Screen height (SH)Hd
When the aspect ratio of the screen is 16:9
Screen size (16:9) Projection distance (L)
Lens shift height
Diagonal size Height (SH) Width (SW)
Shortest (Wide)
Longest (Tele)
H1 H2
inch cm inch cm inch cm inch m inch m inch cm inch cm inch cm
50 127 25 62 44 111 59 1.5 89 2.3 8 21 4 9 3 8
60 152 29 75 52 133 71 1.8 107 2.7 10 25 4 11 4 9
70 178 34 87 61 155 84 2.1 125 3.2 12 29 5 12 4 11
80 203 39 100 70 177 96 2.4 144 3.6 13 34 6 14 5 12
90 229 44 112 78 199 108 2.7 162 4.1 15 38 6 16 6 14
100 254 49 125 87 221 120 3.1 180 4.6 16 42 7 18 6 16
110 279 54 137 96 244 133 3.4 198 5.0 18 46 8 20 7 17
120 305 59 149 105 266 145 3.7 216 5.5 20 50 8 21 7 19
150 381 74 187 131 332 182 4.6 271 6.9 25 63 11 27 9 23
200 508 98 249 174 443 243 6.2 362 9.2 33 84 14 36 12 31
250 635 123 311 218 553 304 7.7 - - 41 105 18 45 15 39
300 762 147 374 261 664 365 9.3 - - 49 126 21 54 18 47
• ProjectiondistancechangesaccordingtothesettingofSCREENSIZEintheADVANCEDMENUintheIMAGEmenu.Thetableaboveisinthe
case of “16:9.”
• Dependingontheinstallationconditions,warmairthatisemittedfromtheexhaustventsmayowintotheintake
vent, causing the projector to display “TEMPERATURE!!” and then stop projecting images.