Mitsubishi Electronics HC7900DW Projector User Manual

Setting up your projector (continued)
Screen size and projection distance (continued)
Screen width (SW)
Down side
Up side
Screen height (SH)Hd
When the aspect ratio of the screen is 4:3
When the aspect ratio of the screen is 4:3, the positional relation between
the projected image and the screen is as shown on the right. Refer to the
following table for installation.
Screen (4:3)
Image (16:9)
SW (=W)
When the aspect ratio of the image is 16:9
Screen size (4:3) Size of the projected image (16:9) Black
space (B)
Projection distance (L)
Lens shift height
Diagonal size
Height (SH) Width (SW)
Diagonal size
Height (H) Width (W)
Shortest (Wide)
Longest (Tele)
H1 H2
inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch m inch m inch cm inch cm inch cm
50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
60 152 36 91 48 122 55 140 27 69 48 122 5 11 65 1.7 98 2.5 9 23 4 10 3 9
70 178 42 107 56 142 64 163 32 80 56 142 5 13 77 1.9 115 2.9 11 27 5 11 4 10
80 203 48 122 64 163 73 187 36 91 64 163 6 15 88 2.2 132 3.3 12 31 5 13 4 11
90 229 54 137 72 183 83 210 41 103 72 183 7 17 99 2.5 148 3.8 14 35 6 15 5 13
100 254 60 152 80 203 92 233 45 114 80 203 8 19 110 2.8 165 4.2 15 38 6 16 6 14
110 279 66 168 88 224 101 256 50 126 88 224 8 21 122 3.1 182 4.6 17 42 7 18 6 16
120 305 72 183 96 244 110 280 54 137 96 244 9 23 133 3.4 199 5.0 18 46 8 20 7 17
150 381 90 229 120 305 138 350 68 171 120 305 11 29 166 4.2 249 6.3 23 58 10 25 8 21
200 508 120 305 160 406 184 466 90 229 160 406 15 38 223 5.7 332 8.4 30 77 13 33 11 29
250 635 150 381 200 508 229 583 113 286 200 508 19 48 279 7.1 - - 38 96 16 41 14 36
300 762 180 457 240 610 275 699 135 343 240 610 23 57 335 8.5 - - 45 115 19 49 17 43
• ProjectiondistancechangesaccordingtothesettingofSCREENSIZEintheADVANCEDMENUintheIMAGEmenu.Thetableaboveisinthe
case of “16:9.”
When the aspect ratio of the screen is 2.35:1
Screen (2.35:1)
Image (16:9)
SW (=W)
Screen size (2.35:1) Size of the projected image (16:9) Black
space (B)
Projection distance (L)
Lens shift height
Diagonal size
Height (SH) Width (SW)
Diagonal size
Height (H) Width (W)
Shortest (Wide)
Longest (Tele)
H1 H2
inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch m inch m inch cm inch cm inch cm
100 254 39 99 92 234 106 268 52 131 92 234 6 16 127 3.2 190 4.8 24 60 7 19 6 16
110 279 43 109 101 257 116 295 57 145 101 257 7 18 140 3.6 209 5.3 26 66 8 21 7 18
120 305 47 119 110 281 127 322 62 158 110 281 8 19 153 3.9 229 5.8 28 72 9 23 8 20
130 330 51 129 120 304 137 349 67 171 120 304 8 21 166 4.2 248 6.3 31 78 10 25 8 21
140 356 55 139 129 327 148 375 72 184 129 327 9 22 179 4.5 267 6.8 33 84 10 26 9 23
150 381 59 149 138 351 158 402 78 197 138 351 9 24 192 4.9 286 7.3 36 90 11 28 10 25
160 406 63 159 147 374 169 429 83 210 147 374 10 26 205 5.2 305 7.8 38 96 12 30 10 26
170 432 66 169 156 397 180 456 88 224 156 397 11 27 218 5.5 325 8.2 40 103 13 32 11 28
180 457 70 179 166 421 190 483 93 237 166 421 11 29 231 5.9 344 8.7 43 109 13 34 12 30
190 483 74 189 175 444 201 510 98 250 175 444 12 31 244 6.2 363 9.2 45 115 14 36 12 31
200 508 78 199 184 468 211 536 104 263 184 468 13 32 256 6.5 382 9.7 47 121 15 38 13 33
• ProjectiondistancechangesaccordingtothesettingofSCREENSIZEintheADVANCEDMENUintheIMAGEmenu.Thetableaboveisinthe
case of “CINEMA SCOPE (2.35:1).”