Mitsubishi Electronics HC7900DW Projector User Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)
Others (continued)
Problem Solution
Images are not 3D.
* The 3D glasses and
3D emitter are sold
separately. They are
not supplied with this
• Itmayneedtoswitchthe3Dmode(suchas3Dsettingsystem)oftherecorder/player
when projecting 3D images with the 3D image supporting recorder/player. (For detail,
see the User Manual of the recorder/player.)
• Isthe3Dmodeoftheprojectorsetproperlyfortheimage?
Set the 3D MODE of the projector (FRAME PACKING, SIDE BY SIDE, TOP AND
BOTTOM) properly for the image.
• The3Dglassesmaybecomeoutofsyncduetouorescentlight.Turnoffthe
fluorescent light.
• Isthereanyother3Demitteror3Dimagesupportingtelevisionclosetothe3D
The 3D glasses work by receiving signals from the 3D emitter. Check that there is
no interference of the signals from other infra-red emission section.
• Is the signal output from the 3D emitter being stopped temporarily because you
The power of the
3D glasses turns off
* The 3D glasses and
3D emitter are sold
separately. They are
not supplied with this
• Isthereanyblockinthecommunicationareabetweenthe3Demitterandthe3D
When the signal from the 3D emitter is interrupted, the power of the 3D glasses
automatically turns off 5 minutes after the interruption. Check that there is not any
block in the communication area between the 3D emitter and the 3D glasses.
There is something
wrong with the 3D
* The 3D glasses and
3D emitter are sold
separately. They are
not supplied with this
• Dependingonthe3Dimagestatus,youmayfeelsomethingwrongwiththe3D
Switch the 3D SYNC. setting of the projector to check whether or not the
uncomfortable feeling is disappeared.
When the signal from the 3D emitter is interrupted, the power of the 3D glasses
automatically turns off 5 minutes after the interruption. Check that there is not any
block in the communication area between the 3D emitter and the 3D glasses.
• The3Dglassesmaybecomeoutofsyncduetouorescentlight.Turnoffthe
fluorescent light.
• Isthereanyother3Demitteror3Dimagesupportingtelevisionclosetothe3D
The 3D glasses work by receiving signals from the 3D emitter. Check that there is
no interference of the signals from other infra-red emission section.
The indicator on the
3D glasses does not
light up even if the
power is turned on.
* The 3D glasses and
3D emitter are sold
separately. They are
not supplied with this
• Doesthebatteryofthe3Dglassesdie?
Replace the battery with a new one if the indicator does not light up even when the
power is turned on.
Blue shades appear in
the 3D image.
• Adjust3DF.R.C.LEVELofthe3DmenuintheIMAGEmenu.(Seepage25.)
• AdjustFINE3DSYNC.ofthe3DmenuintheIMAGEmenu.(Seepage25.)
If the following problem occurs after the lamp is replaced, check the following first.
Problem Solution
The projector does not
turn on.
• Fit the lamp cover securely. (See pages 42 - 44.)
• Resetthelampoperatingtime.(Seepage44.)
The STATUS indicator
• Resetthelampoperatingtime.(Seepage44.)