Mitsubishi Electronics HC7900DW Projector User Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)
Images are not displayed correctly. (continued)
Problem Solution
Fine streaks are seen
on projected images.
• Thisisduetointerferencewiththescreensurfaceandisnotamalfunction.Replace
the screen or displace the focus a little.
• Verticalorhorizontalstreaknoisemayappearontheprojectedimage,dependingon
the type of the DVD player or game console you use. In such a case, you can reduce
such streak noise by enabling the LPF. (See page 40.)
Projected images
become wavy.
• Connecttheplugsofthecablestoexternaldevicessecurely.
• Keeptheprojectorawayfromdevicesthatemitinterferingradiowaves.
Hue is not appropriate. • Checkthatthecablesconnectedtotheexternaldevicesarenotbroken.
Tint in projected
images is incorrect.
• IfthesettingofCOMPUTERINPUTintheSIGNALmenuisinconsistentwiththeRGB/
YCbCr output setting of the external device even when the input source is other than
COMPUTER (for example, when the input source is HDMI), the entire image appears
reddish or greenish.
Check that COMPUTER INPUT in the SIGNAL menu is correctly set. (See page
• Checkthatthecableconnectedtotheexternaldeviceisn’tbroken.
Different color tint. • Whencomparingimagesprojectedbytwoprojectors,tintsinthedisplayedimages
may be different because of variation between their optical components. This is not a
• Whencomparingtheimageprojectedbythisprojectorwiththosedisplayedonthe
television or PC monitor, tints in the displayed images may be different because of
difference in the range of color reproducibility. This is not a malfunction.
Color unevenness
appears in images.
• Sincetheprojectorutilizesahigh-denitionDLP™chip,colorvariations(atthecenter
of the screen and along the rims of the active area) that are caused by diffraction of
light may occur. This is not a malfunction.
Only the motion areas
in the images supplied
from the computer
aren’t displayed.
• Thisiscausedbythecomputerbeingused.Contactthemanufacturerofyour
Projected images are
• Matchtheoutputresolutionofyourcomputerwiththeresolutionoftheprojector.
For the method to change the output resolution of the computer, contact the
manufacturer of your computer. (See page 53.)
Image remains
• WhenimagefromVCRisprojected,itmayremainfreezingduringspeedsearch.This
is not a malfunction.
Noise appears around
the image.
• InsomeimagessuchasDVD,noisemayappeararoundtherecordedimage.Inthis
case, decrease the setting value of OVER SCAN of the SIGNAL menu or adjust the
setting value of SHUTTER of the SIGNAL-USER menu. (See page 34.)
Projected images are
• AfterthePOWERbuttonorONbuttonontheremotehasbeenpressed,ortheLamp
mode setting has changed, images may be flickering until the lamp lights stably. This
is an expected behavior.
• WhenselectingtheinputsignalandAutoPosition,theprojectedimagemaybe
flickering temporarily. This is not a product malfunction.
Problem Solution
No sound comes
from the speakers
connected to the AV
amplifier. (No sound
comes from the
home theater system
• Theprojectorisnotequippedwiththespeakers.TheAVamplierreadsthe
information that projector is not equipped with the speakers and then passes this
information along to the DVD player. Because of this, either the DVD player may be
temporarily stopping audio output, or the AV amplifier may be temporarily stopping
audio output from the DVD player.
Change the setting on the AV amplifier or the DVD player.
The exhaust vents
emit warm air.
• Thisaircomesoutaftercoolingtheinsideoftheprojector.Youmayfeelhot,butthis
is not a malfunction.