IPv6 Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
These pools are shared between multiple interfaces over which DHCPv6 server capabilities
are configured.
Format ipv6 dhcp pool <pool-name>
no ipv6 dhcp pool
This command removes the specified DHCPv6 pool.
Format no ipv6 dhcp pool <pool-name>
domain-name (IPv6)
This command sets the DNS domain name provided to the DHCPv6 client by the DHCPv6
server. The DNS domain name is configured for stateless server support and consists of no
more than 31 alpha-numeric characters. The DHCPv6 pool can have up to eight domain
Format domain-name <dns-domain-name>
no domain-name
This command removes the DHCPv6 domain name from the DHCPv6 pool.
Format no domain-name <dns-domain-name>
dns-server (IPv6)
This command sets the ipv6 DNS server address, which is provided to dhcpv6 client by
dhcpv6 server. DNS server address is configured for stateless server support. DHCPv6 pool
can have multiple number of domain names with maximum of 8.
Format dns-server <dns-server-address>
no dns-server
This command will remove DHCPv6 server address from DHCPv6 server.
Format no dns-server <dns-server-address>
Global Config
Global Config
IPv6 DHCP Pool Config
IPv6 DHCP Pool Config
IPv6 DHCP Pool Config
IPv6 DHCP Pool Config