NETGEAR M4100-12G-POE+ Switch User Manual

Management Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
passwords aging
Use this command to implement aging on passwords for local users. When a user’s
password expires, the user will be prompted to change it before logging in again. The valid
range is 1-365. The default is 0, or no aging.
Format passwords aging <1-365>
no passwords aging
Use this command to set the password aging to the default value.
Format no passwords aging
passwords lock-out
Use this command to strengthen the security of the switch by locking user accounts that have
failed login due to wrong passwords. When a lockout count is configured, a user that is
logged in must enter the correct password within that count. Otherwise the user will be locked
out from further switch access. Only a user with read/write access can reactivate a locked
user account. Password lockout does not apply to logins from the serial console. The valid
range is 1-5. The default is 0, or no lockout count enforced.
Format passwords lock-out <1-5>
no passwords lock-out
Use this command to set the password lock-out count to the default value.
Format no passwords lock-out
passwords strength-check
Use this command to enable the password strength feature. It is used to verify the strength of
a password during configuration.
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config
Format passwords strength-check