E Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy
NTC C33539002SE_A0
Command Set payload encapsulation for specific ATM chan-
Description Defines how the payload is capsulated to the specified
logical ATM channel.
Syntax set atm vcc [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8] encap [ip-llc | ip-
vcmux | ether-llc | ether-vcmux | ppp-vcmux]
Arguments The first argument 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8 specifies the
channel and the second argument sets the encapsula-
tion. The ip-llc and ether-llc encapsulations are accord-
ing to RFC 1483 with LLC/SNAP encapsulation for ip
and Ethernet frames, respectively. The ip-vcmux and
ether-vcmux encapsulation are vc-multiplexed accord-
ing to RFC 1483 for IP and Ethernet frames, respect-
ively. In ppp-vcmux encapsulation both bridged and
routed protocols are first encapsulated to point-to-point
protocol (PPP) which is, in turn, encapsulated to ATM
according to RFC 1483 vc-multiplexing.
Example m10> set atm vcc 2 encap ip-llc