Nokia M10 User’s Manual
E Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy
NTC C33539002SE_A0
Command Set SNMP trap destination
Description Identifies the destination of SNMP trap messages.
Syntax set snmp traps ip-traps [ip_address] {community [com-
Arguments The ip-address argument is the IP address of the
host acting as an SNMP console. The optional com-
munity community_name identifies the name of the
Nokia M10’s community, which is included in the trap
message the device sends to the management con-
sole. This name, which is not used for authentication,
does not have to match a predefined community name.
Example set snmp traps ip-traps
community public
Command Set system contact
Description Identifies the system contact, such as the name, phone
number, beeper number, or email address of the per-
son responsible for the Nokia M10.
Syntax set snmp sysgroup contact [contact_info]
Arguments You can enter up to 256 characters for the contact-
info argument. You must put the contact-info
argument in double-quotes if it contains embedded
Example m10> set snmp sysgroup contact 51166777