Using Socket Services by Manipulating Dedicated Control Bits Section 6-7
UDP Socket Send Request
UDP Socket Close Request
1103 The bit number in the Send/Receive Data Address is not 00.
110C Request Switch turned ON during other processing.
220F Specified socket is already processing a receive request.
2210 The specified socket is not open.
2211 Unit is busy; cannot execute service.
2607 Specified Socket Service Parameter Area is already being used for
another socket.
003E Internal buffer cannot be obtained due to high reception traffic
0066 Internal memory cannot be obtained; cannot execute service.
0080 Receive request timed out.
0081 The specified socket was closed during reception processing.
0000 Normal end
0302 CPU Unit error; cannot execute.
1100 Number of bytes to send is not in allowable range or the remote IP
address is 0.
1101 The area designation of the Send/Receive Data Address is not in
allowable range.
1103 The bit number in the Send/Receive Data Address is not 00.
110C Request Switch turned ON during other processing.
220F Specified socket is already processing a send request.
2210 The specified socket is not open.
2211 Unit is busy; cannot execute.
2607 Specified Socket Service Parameter Area is already being used for
another socket.
003E Internal buffer cannot be obtained due to high reception traffic
0042 The remote IP address is a broadcast address and the number of
bytes to send is greater than 1,472 bytes (EMSGSIZE).
004C The network ID is incorrect or the remote IP address is incorrect
004E The network ID is not in the IP router table, router settings are incor-
rect, or the remote IP address is incorrect (ENETUNREACH).
0051 The router settings are incorrect or the remote IP address is incor-
0081 The specified socket was closed during send processing.
0000 Normal end
0302 CPU Unit error; cannot execute.
2210 The specified socket is not open.
2211 Unit is busy; cannot execute.
2607 Specified Socket Service Parameter Area is already being used for
another socket.