Omron CJ1W-ETN21 Network Card User Manual

Mail Send Function Details Section 2-2
2-2-2 Contents of E-mail Body
Ethernet Unit's Status
Information Header
The following header information is included.
•Subject: OMRON Ethernet Unit Mail Service
(Indicates trigger condition. See
•Content-Type: text/plain;charset=US-ASCII
Note The following trigger conditions are available.
Trigger Information The trigger information is always included in the e-mail.
Trigger number: 1 to 8
Shared message: “This is OMRON ethernet unit mail posting
Trigger-specific messages: The following messages are displayed.
Trigger condition Text entered as subject
Software switch posted by user request
Change in specified
word's contents
posted at changing channel value(= flag)
posted at changing channel value(<> flag)
posted at changing channel value(< flag)
posted at changing channel value(<= flag)
posted at changing channel value(>= flag)
posted at changing channel value(> flag)
Change in specified
posted at rising edge of bit
posted at falling edge of bit
Change in ETN Unit posted at error occurrence
Change in CPU Unit posted at changing CPU mode
posted at CPU error occurrence(FAL)
posted at CPU error occurrence(FALS)
Periodic timer posted at regular intervals
Trigger-specific message in e-mail header
Software switch This mail have been posted by user request
Change in
specified word's
contents (See
This mail have been posted at changing channel value(=
This mail have been posted at changing channel value(<>
This mail have been posted at changing channel value(<
This mail have been posted at changing channel value(<=
This mail have been posted at changing channel value(>=
This mail have been posted at changing channel value(>
Change in
specified bit's
This mail have been posted at rising edge of bit
This mail have been posted at falling edge of bit
Change in ETN
This mail have been posted at error occurrence