[Advanced func.] page
[XML notification] tab
Refer to page 28 for general information about this tab.
Setup items Setting values
(Underlined: default)
XML notification *1 XML notification *2
Notification interval
Destination setting for
XML notification
Destination1 - 2 Destination address (Default:None(blank))
Destination port number *3 1 - 65535
Destination path name (Default:None(blank))
User name (Default:None(blank))
Password (Default:None(blank))
*1 •When"D1"isselectedfor"Imagecapturemode",itisimpossibletoactivatetheXMLnotificationfunction.
*2 •When"On"isselected,facedetectioninformationisnotifiedtothedesignateddestinationserverinthe
XML format.
*3 •Thefollowingportnumbersareunavailablesincetheyarealreadyinuse.
20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 110, 123, 161, 162, 995, 10 669, 10 670
[Face detection] tab
Refer to page 28 for general information about this tab.
Setup items Setting values (Underlined: default)
Face detection Face detection *1 *2 *3 *4
XML notification
selected for "Priority stream" on the [System] tab, it may sometimes be impossible to display the face detection
setup window.
*1 •Thefacedetectionfunctionshallnotguaranteethedetectionoffacesinanimage.Thefacedetection
accuracy varies with imaging conditions.
*2 •When"Mosaic"isselectedfor"Displaytype"of"Privacyzone",thefacedetectionfunctionmaysome-
times be triggered (the face detection frame will be displayed).
*3 •When"D1"isselectedfor"Imagecapturemode",itisimpossibletoactivatethefacedetectionfunction.
*4 •FacedetectionisavailableonCh1only.