3. BitStorm 1900 Maintenance
3-106 BitStorm 1900 Installation and Maintenance Guide 1900-A2-GN20-00
End-to-End Maintenance Checklist
Table 3-2: End-to-End Maintenance Checklist
Problem Check
No voice or data service
• Verify power at all points in the system
• Verify connections and wiring conditions at all
Voice but no data service
• Verify that there is not an external network problem
such as a server being down
• Verify that the Ethernet card on the PC connected
to the modem has been configured
• Verify that the correct type of Ethernet cable
(“straight” or “crossover”) is being used for the
• Verify that the green LEDs at the various Ethernet
connection points are lit
• Check for 10Base-T cable damage
• Verify router configuration and installation
• See the checklist in Table 3-1, “Voice/Data
Connectivity Maintenance in Facility Room,” on
page 105.
Data but no voice service
• Check dialtone at the PSTN/PBX cross-connect to
verify that there is not an external voice network
• Check/replace filter card in filter shelf