Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

Reference • 7
7-9SV40221 Rev. A
4. Push the latch (A) back.
Grasp the upper sealer
felt (B), slide it towards the
front of the machine and
remove it from its mounting
bar. Discard this old felt.
5. Fit the new upper felt.
Locate the tabs on the
back of the felt assembly
into the corresponding
holes in the mounting bar
and slide the felt towards
the rear of the machine.
Make sure it has fully
latched into position.
6. Using the plastic tweezers
provided in the kit, remove
all four felts from the
Sealer Tank. Discard these
old felts.
7. Fit the four new felts into
the Sealer Tank. They will
only fit one way round.
Make sure they are
pushed fully down into the
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 7-9 9/14/2004 5:51:30 PM