Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

5 • Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
5-6 SV40221 Rev. A
OMR Mark Options
This section gives brief descriptions of the OMR Mark Options that
can be allocated to relevant OMR marks. The previous section, OMR
Marks Available on page 5-3 lists which options can be selected with
each mark.
Present or Absent
When Present the machine will act upon scanning the relevant
When Absent the machine will act upon NOT scanning the relevant
Increment or Decrement
When choosing Increment the relevant code’s binary value will
If you choose to use Decrement, the relevant code’s binary value
will decrease.
Include Zero or Omit Zero (0) as a Value
If Include Zero is chosen, the relevant code’s binary value would
allow zero, which is represented by no marks being printed within
that section of the code.
When choosing to use Omit Zero the relevant code’s binary value
will NOT include zero as a value. Therefore, a mark will ALWAYS be
printed within that section of the code.
Continuous Sequence or Page 1 Reset
When using Continuous Sequence, the binary value within the
relevant part of the code increments or decrements continuously on
every sheet fed, irrespective of set boundaries.
If Page 1 Reset is used, the first page of each set has a binary value
of 1, therefore the count always stays within the boundaries of the
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 5-6 9/14/2004 5:51:18 PM