Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

I-4 SV40221 Rev. A
Machine, Parts Of 1-6
Machine Status 2-3
Machine Con gurations 1-4
Machine Graphic 2-3
Machine Identi cation 1-6
Machine Speci cations 7-7
Mail Piece 1-15
Mail Piece Icon Tree 1-10, 2-3, 3-3
De nition 1-16
Double Detect 1-11
Envelope Icons 1-12
Example 1-13
Fold Icons 1-12
Insert Icons 1-12
Linked Feeders 1-11
Loading Instructions 1-10
Mail Piece Icon Tree Icons 1-11
Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) 1-11
Other Icons 1-12
Pre-Collated Sets 1-11
Seal Icons 1-12
Sheet Icons 1-12
Mail Piece Icon Tree Icons 1-11
Manual Advance Knob 6-8
Description 1-7
Manual Feed 3-9
Constraints and Requirements 3-9
Feeding Further Sets 3-11
Folds 3-10
Loading Envelope Feeder 3-9
Loading Material for Manual Feed Mode 3-9
Operation 3-10
Trial Piece 3-10
Manual Feeder
Description 1-7
Manual Feed Option 4-8
Material Requirements 7-6
Measuring Scale 1-7
SV40221 Rev A book.indb I-4 9/14/2004 5:51:31 PM