Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

Supervisor Functions • 4
4-3SV40221 Rev. A
Create Job
What is it?
This function allows a Supervisor to create new Job Definitions to be
stored within the machine’s memory for easy access by an Operator.
The machine can store a maximum of 20 Job Definitions.
Where is it?
From the Home Screen...
select Menu
select Supervisor Functions
enter the Supervisor Access Code (see page 4-2)
select Create Job
The machine will ask you a number of specific easy to answer
questions about the make up of the finished Mail Piece in order to
create the Job Definition.
Some of the questions asked will be based on the answers
previously given and so the sequence will vary from job to job. As
you create the job, the Mail Piece Icon Tree will be built on the left
side of the display. This shows how to load material into each feeder.
Once the job is created, named and any comments entered, you
must select Save to store it in the machine’s memory.
Placing a job description in the job comments will make
it easy for an Operator to select the correct job.
Use the Batch Counter if you want to automatically
process a pre-defined number of Mail Pieces. When the
Batch Count is complete, the machine will stop, allowing
the Operator to empty the stacker. Pressing Start will
commence processing of the next batch.
If you are using OMR within a job, an OMR code must
be pre-programmed into the machine’s memory. For
details of programming OMR codes, refer to Chapter 5.
OMR jobs cannot utilise linked feeders.
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 4-3 9/14/2004 5:51:16 PM