Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) • 5
5-13SV40221 Rev. A
Delete OMR Code
This function lets a Supervisor delete a current OMR code which is
stored in the machine’s memory.
Select Delete OMR Code from the OMR Menu screen.
A list of all the current OMR Codes will be displayed. Select the OMR
code you wish to delete from the list using the ▲▼◄► keys in the
normal way.
Once selected, a message will be displayed asking you to confirm
that you want to delete the selected code.
Select Yes to confirm deletion.
Select No to return you to the OMR Menu without deleting
any codes.
Make sure that the code you are deleting is the correct
code! Once deleted, it cannot be retrieved.
This function is not available if there are no OMR codes
to delete.
Any code that is being used within a saved Job
Definition cannot be deleted. You must first either delete
the relevant Job Definition(s), or edit the affected Job
Definition(s) to use a different OMR code.
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 5-13 9/14/2004 5:51:19 PM