Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

Supervisor Functions • 4
4-7SV40221 Rev. A
Delete Job
What is it?
Delete Job allows a Supervisor to remove a stored Job Definition
permanently from the machine’s memory.
Where is it?
From the Home Screen...
select Menu
select Supervisor Functions
enter the Supervisor Access Code (see page 4-2)
select Delete Job
Once Delete Job has been selected, choose the Job Definition you
wish to delete from the alphabetical job list using the ▲▼◄► keys
in the normal way.
Once the required Job Definition is selected, a message will be
displayed which requires confirmation before the job is deleted.
Make sure the Job Definition you are deleting is the
correct job! Once deleted, it cannot be retrieved.
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 4-7 9/14/2004 5:51:16 PM